Study reveals extent of GAA injuries

Written By Unknown on Selasa, 19 November 2013 | 23.07

A new study of over 2,500 inter-county GAA players has found that two out of every three players on a team will get injured in one season. 

The research carried out by the GAA and University College Dublin also found that a third of players will have multiple injuries, 
while a quarter of injuries will be a recurrence of an old complaint. 

The research found that lower limb injuries were the most common among players, followed by upper limb injuries. 

The majority of injuries happen in the second half of a game. 

Only a small number of injuries have been to the head with less than one per cent of injuries being diagnosed as concussion. 

However, the GAA has said it is very much aware of the seriousness of concussion. 

It has published new updated guidelines for teams and management which state that a player with diagnosed concussion should never be allowed to return to play on the day of injury.

The Association has also issued a 'return to play' protocol following a concussion injury. 

A new 15-minute training warm up focusing on preventing lower limb injuries is also being introduced from January 2014. 

President of the GAA Liam O'Neill said the organisation is not waiting for things to happen, it is actively trying to be proactive. The priority is to put athletes first by trying to reduce the risk of injury to the players. 

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Study reveals extent of GAA injuries

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